Specialist Dental Clinic Cagliari in P.zza Repubblica 4 tel 070.498159 web site www.gustavopetti.it |
Dr. Gustavo Petti and Dr. Claudia Petti practice in particular, one, the periodontology, the other the Pedodontics (Child Dentistry) and the Orthodontics for adults and children, as well as, naturally, all the normal branches of Dentistry, such as, conservative, endodontics, oral hygiene, prosthetics, gnathology, implantology, oral surgery, endodontic surgery, preprosthetic surgery. Dr. Claudia Petti takes care of the pedodontics, that is the oral health of the children, at all levels, also endopedodontics and whatever the stage in which the objectives for which the deciduous teeth are treated, also very compromised are:
Of Orthodontics, Dr. Petti takes care of the child at the level of |