Published in May 1985
Trapezoidal mucoperiosteal flap and free gingival graft for treatment of a chronic oroantral fistula
Physician and Surgeon specializing in Dentistry. Periodontist.
Piazza Repubblica 4, 09129 Cagliari, Italy.
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2. Orthopantomograph showing right oroantral communication.
3. Orifice of the oroantral fistula. 4. The mucoperiosteal flap.
5. The path followed by the fistula during its removal 6. Osteotomy and osteoplastics of the vestibular wall of bone.
7. Osteotomy and osteoplastics of the tuber 8. "U" stitching and single stitches.

9. The area of the tuber is still exposed. 10. Free gingival graft taken from material "left over" from the flap.
11. Graft positioned on tuber. 12. Healing of the wound.
13. X-ray taken at the time of the operation.
14. X-ray taken on completion of the healing process: the bone cortex has recovered its continuity.


1. H. BIRN, J.E. WINTHER, Manuale di piccola Chirurgia orale Atlante pratico, pagg. 123-125, 1977
2. J.COLLINS, Principles of anesthesiology, Ed. Lea e Felige, pag. 986, Philadelphia 1976
3. R.L. JOHNSON, "Principi che regolano la resezione ossea in parodontologia", La Clinica Odontoiatrica del Nord America, vol. 9, n. 2, pagg. 215, 241, 1979
4. O. SALA, Otorinolaringoiatria, pagg. 550, 720, 1973
5. H.C. SULLIVAN, J.H. ATKINS, "Gli innesti gengivali liberi in terapia parodontale", La Clinica Odontoiatrica del Nord America, vol. 2, n. 3, pagg. 649, 663, 1970