Published in October 2001

However, the clinical case dates back to 1989
Complete oral periodontal, implantological and prosthesic rehabilitation, with control after twelve years.
Physician and Surgeon specializing in Dentistry. Periodontist.
Piazza Repubblica 4, 09129 Cagliari, Italy.
tel ++39 070 498159, fax ++39 070 400164
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Prosthesic rehabilitation


Figs 33, 34, 35.
The prostheses in the mouth. Note the gold lingual and palatal limbi for hygiene and the prevention of periodontal disease.
Figs 36, 37.
Enlargement of the right and left lateral posterior relationship between the upper and lower dentures at the attachments to the implants. Note the correctness of Spee's curve.
Fig. 38.
The periodontal and dental x-ray picture prior to treatment.

Fig. 39.
The periodontal, dental and implantological x-ray picture after treatment.

Checkup after 12 years
Fig. 40.
The two upper and lower dentures. Checkup after 12 years.
In order: smile, frontal, right posterior and left posterior.
The marginal gum has a healthy orange-peel appearance owing to the presence and integrity of the collagen fibres, the absence of phlogosis and periodontal pockets.
For twelve years the patient has undergone constant and periodic curettage and scaling every three to four months. The concept is that it is necessary to consider curattage and scaling not only as "prevention", but above all as the "essential continuation" of periodontal treatment. The scheduling of one or two treatments every three, four or six months varies from case to case and depends on careful evaluation of the local situation and hygiene.
Fig. 41.
From left to right and from top to bottom respectively: the upper prosthesis, the lower prosthesis, the two dentures with a metal skeleton with attachments, detail of the upper left attachment with the Binat attachments with shock-absorbing hinge and detail of the lower left bar.
Note that 3.8, at risk, is still whole after 12 years.
Fig. 42.
X-ray checkup with endo-oral?? x-ray 12 years after rehabilitation: the periodontium is healthy, the implants and the surrounding bone show no signs of disease; 3.8, which was considered at risk, shows no signs of yielding: this is due to the excellent design of the lower denture with the bar and the upper denture with the shock-absorbing hinge. Much importance is to be attributed to the preprosthesic occlusal and gnathological study on the articulator and the careful periodontal maintenance treatment.


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