Published in November 1986
Bone graft using an amniotic membrane in bone surgery
Physician and Surgeon specializing in Dentistry. Periodontist.
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9. A block of Interpore 200, pre-shaped to fit the bone defect, is positioned in the defect
10. The finished implant 11. The external surface of the implant and the root are treated with fibrin glue
12. The amniotic membrane during positioning on implant 13. The amniotic membrane is shaped to the bone and implant as well as to the convexity of the root in the part contiguous to the implant
14. Suturing is completed with single stitches, already partially prepared (Fig. 8) to facilitate grafting of the amniotic membrane 15. Healing tissues, twelve days after operation
16. X-ray of bone defect before implant
17. Left: X-ray of bone defect after implant

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