Published in May 1988
Physician and Surgeon specializing in Dentistry. Periodontist.
Piazza Repubblica 4, 09129 Cagliari, Italy.
tel ++39 070 498159, fax ++39 070 400164
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Graft with heterologous bone

Figs 48, 49. X-rays before and after the Interpore 200 implants.
Fig. 50. A precision impression of the three stumps is taken following healing.
Fig. 51. Detail of the master pattern highlighting the shoulder at 2.6 and the careful preparation and smoothness of the curve of same.
Fig. 52. The gold-platinum-porcelain prosthesis is constructed.
Fig. 53. Special care is taken in constructing the crown of 2.6, which must allow the interradicular papilla between the mesial-vestibular root of 2.6 and 2.7 to "breathe".
Fig. 54. Serious damage to 2.6 with a passing 3rd degree lesion involving all three bifurcations, periapical osteolysis and a most serious periodontal bone lesion, especially at the level of the mesial vestibular root.
Fig. 55. X-ray of the periodontal and endodontal lesions of 2.6.
Fig. 56. After sculpting a mucoperiosteal flap, the roots are separated and avulsion is chosen for the mesial vestibular one.
Fig. 57. After removing the irrational crown of 2.5 and with 2.4 pensile, Duralay cores are installed on the two remaining roots.