Published in May 1988
Physician and Surgeon specializing in Dentistry. Periodontist.
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From periodontology to prosthesis

Fig. 58. Casting of two gold cores.
Figs 59, 60. X-rays of 2.6 from two different angles after the operation, after endodontal treatment and rehabilitation with cores.
Figs 61, 62. A temporary, fixed, precision resin prosthesis is prepared.
Fig. 63. After all endodontal and gnathological problems of conservation of the upper arch have been dealt with, it is rehabilitated through prosthesis with cores.
Fig. 64. Precision impressions of the upper arch are made and from these the master patterns are made.
Fig. 65. Detail of patterns showing the accuracy of the prosthesic preparation of the residual roots of 2.6.
Fig. 66. The final gold-platinum-porcelain prosthesis is constructed in sectors (to facilitate the correction of any problems that may arise in future).
Figs 67, 68. Special care has been taken in the planning and construction of the upper right prosthesis at the level of the two residual roots of 2.6. In fact, a male intracoronal attachment has been installed in the crown element of the bridge mesial to 2.6. This fits into a female extracoronal attachment on 2.5. If in future it becomes necessary to extract the roots of 2.6 (especially the palatal root, which presents a barely-acceptable residual bone level), the prosthesis already has a precision attachment which can take a removable prosthesis with attachments.
Fig. 69. Detail of the male intracoronal attachment.
Fig. 70. Detail of the female extracoronal attachment.
Fig. 71. The gold-platinum-porcelain prosthesis positioned in the mouth.


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