Published in July 1986
Surgical treatment of gingival recession
Physician and Surgeon specializing in Dentistry. Periodontist.
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Flap with double papilla
25. The bipapillar flap has been sculpted: in yellow in the drawing we see the donor site without periosteum (the flaps are mucoperiosteal).
24. Bipapillar flap: In the drawing (in red) we see the sulcal epithelium (dashed line); in dark purple we see the two papillas to shift onto the recession.
Other methods
26. A gingival recession at 3.1 with a "pulling" frenulum is evident in the photograph. 27. Two mucoperiosteal flaps are sculpted with oblique incisions from the interproximal areas. A small frenulectomy is also performed.
28. Suturing of the double flap is performed.
29. Enlargement of the result following the operation: the recession is covered, the adhering gum has increased and there is contraction of the tissues on the root.
30. Rotated pedunculate flap (in practice it is a small flap for horizontal shifting): periosteal stimulation 21 days before the operation. 31. A "V" incision along the edge of the recession in correspondence to the vestibular surface of 3.6.
32. A vertical incision mesial to the papilla to be rotated: it ends apically at the flap centre of rotation. 35. In the photo the result of the operation is visible: the recession is covered and the adhering gum has increased sufficiently.
33-34. At the end of the operation the usual suturing of the flap with single stitches is performed.
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